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Thursday, January 20, 2005


I am having one of those days. Everybody is pissed off about something. It seems they are either pissed at me for something when I am not meaning to piss them off, or they are pissed off about something else and I am just getting to hear all about it. And I wasn't pissed off at all when I came in this morning. I wasn't upset in the least.

I understand people need to vent. Hell, I do it a lot. And I guess I'm one of those people that seem like a good one to vent to. And most of the time I am. But I have my limits, too. I can only fit so many people on my back at one time. The rest of you that want to ride my ass about something or bitch about something need to find another place. I can't deal with it today. Sorry.

So if you're pissed at me for something, I didn't mean to do it. It doesn't matter what it is. I can tell you for damn sure that I didn't mean to do it. There is absolutely no logical reason why I'd want to make anyone pissed off at me today when I've heard enough bitching and enough pissed off people to last a month in one fucking day. So if you're pissed off at me, I'm sorry. I apologize. If you still want to be pissed off at me, then bite me.
2:34 PM


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