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Friday, January 28, 2005


I think I'm beginning to dread Fridays. I don't know why it is, but it seems of all the days of the week, it's the most stressful at work most times, most disappointments happen on Friday, most arguments over expectations happen on Friday and I'm usually just plain out tired after the whole week on Friday.

Today I started out being tired somewhat because I didn't sleep too well last night. Sometimes I just can't get to sleep, even though I know I need to.

Most all of the work day today consisted of people walking through the office involved in heated phone calls, one with a customer and the other with corporate management. So, quiet, it was not and that's probably one reason I still have this migraine. Generally I don't have that many people wandering around here because several of them are out in the field during the day. But today was so gloomy looking and cold that no one wanted to go anywhere and the gloominess affected everyone's mood.

I'm supposed to head out of here in a little while for a Girl's Night Out to have a few drinks. It looks like it may be longer than a 'little while' before I can head out, as we are still trying to solve a few problems. I think the other women are more than ready to have some drinks. I, personally haven't had as bad of a day. But then again, I haven't been on the phone involved in heated conversation. I try to stay off the phone most days. Although I WAS kinda hoping for a certain phone call today, but as I had predicted, it wasn't going to happen. And I think hubby is a little ticked off at me too. Anytime I have something where I go out 'with the girls' or it doesn't involve him, he pouts.

So, yep, it's just another f-cking Friday. I can't wait until Monday. Since everyone is either ticked, stressed or crabby, I think I'm just going to go get drunk.
5:01 PM


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