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Saturday, January 29, 2005


Yesterday I was feeling a little blah, a little pent up, but it got better.

We all decided to meet at Chili's around 6 since they have the 2 for 1 drinks all the time. I say "we all", which was 3 of us: my boss, myself, and the other colleague who had so much fun at the company Xmas party that I posted about before on my other blog.

When I got to Chili's, there wasn't a parking space to be found. I drove around the lot 2 times and then just figured I'd go park at the bank next to it and walk over. As I was making my 3rd and final round through the lot to head over to the bank, my Nextel radio went off and it was my boss, who I pulled up behind. She saw me and wanted to tell me she was going to park at the bank, which I was on my way to do. We found a couple of parallel parking spaces and pulled in right behind each other. Then I automatically turned my wheels hard towards the curb. I've always done that because I think someone told me it's more difficult for them to tow your car when you do that. I don't know if it's true, but I just do it anyhow. I had a bad experience with having my car towed at my first real concert and I think there was some underhandedness going on that night. But that's another story.

We think the wait is going to be long since the lot's full. But it was only about 20 minutes or so. I started with margaritas and then went to beer. The other two went straight for the beer. Of course, they had to take their smoke breaks outside every so often, so I would hold the fort down until they came back. We talked about work mostly and also about how hilarious my colleague was at the Xmas party. I think we got to our table by 6:30 and then left around 8:30 since one had to pick up kids from gymnastics. It ended up being fun to go out and let loose a little so we may actually make this a ritual every so often like we do 'pizza day'.

I got home and we had a couple of friends over doing Jager bombs and hanging out. I did a couple of Jager bombs myself and then we watched some TV and listened to some music. I played around with the bass guitar some and hubby and one of the other guys took turns beating on the drum set.

Even though I hadn't slept much the night before, I didn't go to bed until 2 or 3 a.m., but then I still didn't get to sleep until a couple of hours later, so I ended up sleeping in today. That's the only thing that really sucks about staying up late on weekends. During the week, I'm usually good if I can get to sleep by 2 a.m., but my first alarm goes off at 6 a.m. and sometimes I'm awake before that or after the alarm goes off. My second alarm goes off about 45 minutes later and that's the one that we both know we have to get up by. This works fairly well, but then the weekend comes and throws it all out of whack.

Well, I need to go sweep the back porch, take out trash, wake up hubby from his nap and head out to do some grocery shopping. Our friend is coming over later on with his kid, so we have to be good tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer, so that might be the day to vacuum the pool, or get in a little golf or tennis. After that, I think it may rain, but won't be too cold all week and then cold again by next weekend. I don't think the weatherman really knows what it's going to do. The best weather commentary I heard was in Texas when the weather man said if we really wanted to know what the weather was doing, just look out the window. If you don't like it, don't worry. It'll change in about five minutes. And I have seen that happen quite a few times.

All for now.
4:56 PM


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