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Wednesday, April 20, 2005


So we got a new computer that hopefully can handle video editing. But I haven't had much time to play with it. I can't seem to pry hubby away from it. He's gotten into watching DVD movies on it and playing with the DVD burner. It's a dual layer burner but I have yet to find any dual layer DVDs anywhere. The other DVDs seem to work just fine, though. I might upgrade the RAM and video card plus add another hard drive or two, but other than that, it's fast. It has a 3 gig processor and our last computer had a 1 gig processor when those had just come out. It's an AMD processor, but I've had good luck with AMD processors. They seem to be faster than Pentium and less expensive as well. The only thing is that you have to keep them cool because they like to run hotter than Pentiums.

I think hubby figures since I have the laptop that the new desktop is sorta 'his'. Of course I will be using it for video editing, but about everything else I do can probably be handled on the laptop.

Over the weekend a friend of ours that works at NASA stopped by and then we went up to the No Name for a few drinks. He's been busy getting stuff ready for shuttle launches so we hadn't seen much of him. He also brought over his keyboard. He plays and he wanted me to play the keyboard since hubby told him I knew how. The only thing is that I haven't played in over 10 years. I didn't really feel like playing that much, or at least not in front of anyone. So he played on the keyboard and hubby played drums. They sounded like they had done this before, but of course they haven't. Anyhow he decided to leave the keyboard at my house. ::grin::

I've also figured out I can print out a lot of piano sheet music off the web. So guess what I've been doing? Now I am really anxious to get my piano moved. I still remember how to read music for the most part. I'm rusty, but it's coming back to me and now I remember how much I enjoyed playing just for fun.

I'm also liking my new treadmill. I'm hoping it will help get me ready for bikini season, which is around the corner. Plus it gives me something to do while watching TV. I still knit a lot while watching TV or I might knit right before I go to sleep. I'm working on the hat for next winter. I figured I should probably finish one project before starting a new one as I tend to do that a lot. Now I haven't tried knitting while on the treadmill...

I'm trying to learn something else lately as well. It's kind of silly, but I'm trying to learn how to roll a poker chip through my fingers and back. I've about got it down with both hands now, but sometimes I still mess up. I've tried doing both at the same time and sometimes can do that one. Then I thought I'd try doing two on the same hand. Now THAT is difficult to do. I have a really interesting life, don't I?

I did play poker last night. Came in 18th out of 52. It wasn't that great, but I did have some really good hands for a while. It was OK though because I played the cash tables after the tournament and made my tournament entry fee back and then some. At least if I don't finish in the money, I like to try to get my entry fee back. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. The funny thing was that I went over to a friend's house before the tournament and they tried hard as hell to get me into a card game with them. Maybe some other time...

Well at least now I have a plethora of choices when I get home. Should I play keyboards, poker, knit or get on the treadmill? Oh yeah, and then of course there's always the other things like cooking dinner, laundry, cleaning, etc. I just don't seem to have enough time for all of it, which is one reason I haven't been blogging much.

They are MAKING us take an hour lunch at work. I don't eat lunch normally so I really don't have anything to do for that hour unless I need to run errands. So now I bring my knitting and my laptop. I can play poker, knit or catch up on blogs during that time. I might as well since they are making us take the break. I might end up making more money during lunch...LOL...

OK, that's pretty much what I've been up to.
3:05 PM


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