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Thursday, February 10, 2005


It seems like it ought to be Friday today. Usually Fridays are not that great for me and I don't look forward to Friday as much as other people do. For one, I don't mind working. I hate to be bored. But I think this week, I may actually look forward to Friday. It's been a hectic week and I'm starting to get a little tired.

11 or 12 hour days aren't that big of a deal to me, but it makes it difficult to get anything else done. Then again, I'll have a nice fat paycheck from the overtime I've had to work. But tonight I'm going out for a while, especially since everyone will be coming over tomorrow night, so I'll be staying in tomorrow.

Today I had a couple of new things come up at work that once again, I knew nothing about, but had to take care of them anyway. Then I had to put a couple of 'fires'. One of our major builder clients is doing their closing next week and we are still missing one cabinet that is holding up the installation (and their closing). They don't like to be held up on closings. It turns out my boss had already faxed corporate last week about not having received this one cabinet. Evidently they stuck it in a file and forgot about it because I had to email two or three different people to explain to me why it wasn't shipped when it was on the order. I got the typical answer that I would have to contact 'some other department' about the problem. Several hours later I actually received an email back from the person who dropped the ball on this and they admitted to it. I didn't gripe at them, especially since they made some calls and I'll have the piece in Monday. I was going to send someone from my office to go actually go and pick it up so we could have it sooner, but Monday will do. So we should make it in time for closing, but it's gonna be close.

I'm beginning to see my desk again. There's always a chance I might decide to come in for a little bit on Saturday, but then I have so much else I need to do at home, so I don't know if I will.
Well, I really don't have much else to say right now, except more work related stuff and I'm sure reading about my work is probably pretty boring for most people.

Therefore, this is the end of this post.
6:06 PM


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