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Saturday, April 23, 2005


I posted this on my other journal so I'm just providing the link here. Besides, since I don't have a paid account anywhere, most places won't let me upload files, especially video that takes up a lot of room. This is a very rough draft and the picture quality is not good because I had to cut everything down as much as possible just to even post it because of size limitations.
Also the video is cut short because of limitations, so there actually is more footage at the end.

Not on the video as of yet, but will be: "In Memory of Rick"
The footage at the beginning of the airplane is our good friend Rick, who later died in a plane crash in that same plane. Some of you might even remember the story as it was before Christmas and the plane crashed into a Federal Reserve building down near Miami where employees were holding a holiday party. At first it was thought it could have been a terrorist attack, but it wasn't. It was a very unfortunate accident. Later on in the video is footage of another plane that is similar. That plane was built after the crash so it's not the same one. Hubby was with Rick in the first plane the day before the crash. Since then, I have yet to get him back on one.

So here's the link to the post with the video: FIRST VIDEO
12:24 PM


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