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Monday, June 27, 2005


I know I've been neglecting to update lately.  I really just have wanted to be alone for awhile.  I've been keeping myself busy because of Midnight's passing, and work has cooperated by being quite hectic the last week or so.  I also felt the Supreme Court ruling was important enough to be the first post seen by people coming by my site.  I actually do get a lot of hits from people searching about eminant domain.  Last week, that was probably the number one search term on my stats. 

Last Thursday, the vet called and said Midnight's ashes were ready.  That was a real tear jerker of a moment when I went to pick them up.  I had been real good for a day or so until then.  The little urn I picked out is acutally quite nice and it's square, not round, like I imagined they would be.  I chose charcoal for the color since Midnight was black.  They had the urn in one of those gift type bags, a bright (and I mean BRIGHT) yellow one.  Were they thinking that the bright yellow would be cheery or what?  Maybe that's what they were hoping for.  But all I could think of is that if they did that all the time then everyone would be dreading seeing the bright yellow bag for someone, because then you would know that the person picking it up would be very sad.

Anyhow, I placed the urn on the hallway shelf where I have a few other knick knacks and no one would know the wiser if they saw it.  I plan to do a memorial page for Midnight and scan in some of his pictures and tell his story and what he was like.  I'm mostly doing it for myself, of course, but I know some people like to read about other people's cats, too.  My other cat, Priestess, is doing okay.  I think she gets a little lonely and looks for him and I hate having to leave her all day by herself right now.  But as soon as I get home, she gets tons of extra loving.

She was so cute yesterday.  I curled up on half of the futon to take a 'combat nap' and she immediately laid down on my hair and put her head on top of the side of my forehead, just purring away.  We both fell asleep like that for about 20 minutes or so until I got up.  She is a sweetie pie, that's for sure.

I didn't update over the weekend because I didn't spend much time at the PC.  I went out Friday night and Saturday night to the No Name Saloon.  The band this weekend was really good.  They were called Breaking Ground.  Friday night we got home around 2 a.m. or so and decided to go skinny dipping in the pool for a bit.  Saturday we did most of our shopping and errands since it was supposed to rain, again.  We stayed fairly late Saturday night as well and got up early on Sunday.

I spent most of Sunday in the pool and getting some sun.  Boy, can I feel it today, though.  My face is on fire.  It'll turn brown, but it's just going to hurt for a couple of days.  It didn't rain on Sunday so I took full advantage of being outside and stayed away from the PC until late Sunday night, but by then I was too exhausted to update. 

I also colored my hair again Sunday.  I tried a new product called Color Pulse and it is supposed to wash out in 8 to 10 shampoos.  I just basically wanted a little boost since red hair coloring tends to fade and mine had faded quite a bit.  My hair is bright copper right now.  I mean, eye shocking bright.  I'm not sure I like it, but it won't last anyhow.  It is about the color of a brand new penny.  It's definitely different and I certainly got a color 'boost'.  It was more than I expected it to be, but it might grow on me.  I really haven't had any comments except, "Wow, that's bright."  That could be good or bad.  I'm sure it'll fade fairly quick anyhow since it's more of a temporary color thing.  If I feel brave enough, I might try to get a picture of it to post this evening.

Well, I play in another WPTfan Series of Poker event tonight, this time on Poker Stars.  I opened an account there just for these tournaments so I really haven't played much there.  Last week, we played HORSE, which was interesting.  It changes games every time the blinds go up.  You start with Hold 'Em, then next is Omaha hi/lo, then Razz, then 7 card Stud, then 7 card Stud hi/lo and back to Hold 'Em, etc.  You just keep going in that order.  It's best not to forget what game you're playing because in some the low hand wins and some only the highest hand wins.  I have no clue what we're playing tonight, but I guess it doesn't matter now that I've pretty much played all the different forms of poker they are going to throw at us in this Series.

Well, I guess that's it for now.

11:08 AM


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