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Tuesday, June 21, 2005


It turns out I didn't have to have Midnight put to sleep after all.  He passed away last night at home.

When I got home from work, I noticed he had moved from where he was that morning.  I also noticed that he ate his Sheba canned food that I tried to get him to eat the day before.  I'm at least glad he ate that, because it was his favorite.  I put some more water close to where he was laying.  I noticed he didn't try to get up at all yesterday evening.  I went out to check on him a few times and to let him know I was there.  He would cry softly sometimes when I touched him, so I didn't try to move him, but just kept water near him.

I went out to check on him again before getting ready for bed.  My other cat had been staying outside near the pool and had not come back in for food or water.  When I reached down to touch him, I knew.  He was already gone.  I'm not sure the exact time, but it was about a two hour span between the last time I checked on him and made sure he had water near him and this time when I knew he had passed.  I think my other cat, Priestess had known as well and that's why she didn't want anywhere near him.

I wanted her to be able to get to her food and water, so I rolled Midnight up in a blanket and put him in our pool bathroom, so she didn't have to be around him.  Also, I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything with him until this morning, so I wanted to make sure no animals got ahold of him.

In a way, I was relieved that he had passed on and wasn't in pain anymore and I wouldn't have to have him put to sleep.  But I wasn't there with him at the moment of his death, and that I do regret.  I only hope he knew that he was safe and at home and that I was looking out for him.  I think he knew it was me that went out and checked on him and made sure he had water so he didn't have to try to get up.  I think he knew I gave him his favorite food.  I just wish he knew I was right there when he passed away, though.  And I hope he went peacefully.  I never heard him cry out (and he's LOUD when he cries or meows), so I think he probably went as peacefully as he could.

I took him to the vet this morning to have him cremated.  It'll take a few days to get his ashes back.  They asked if I wanted the blankets back I had wrapped him in and I said 'no'.  I think it would just remind me too much of this day.  I combed him a bit as well, because he had dumped water earlier on himself before I refilled it.  I know it doesn't matter, but I guess it made me feel better in some silly way to comb him anyway.

So, it's over.  I'm relieved and I'm sad.  I'm not sad for him because he had a good long life.  In fact, I think he was about 20 years old, which is pretty old for a cat to live.  I found him as a stray back in 1986 (same year my Dad died) during Thanksgiving and I think he was about a year old then.  I'm sad because he will be missed, not only by me, but by many people.  Everyone that came in contact with Midnight loved him.  He just had that effect on people, even people who didn't really like cats.  He was just so laid back and affectionate.  He loved everyone and he loved any kind of attention.

You will be missed, old friend.  Rest in peace, Midnight.

4:08 PM


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