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Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I can't ignore it any longer.  I have to go to the dentist right away.  I've been having this toothache off and on for a while now and I knew it was getting steadily worse, but I just kept putting off calling the dentist, thinking it would go away or that I could deal with the pain. 

Now the pain has gotten to where it's hurting all the way to my ear and I can't eat anything.  The thing is that I forget and put something in my mouth to eat only to grimace and wince and almost scream.  I can't drink anything cold or hot, either.  So yes, I do believe I'm way past needing to see the dentist.  The soonest I can get in is Thursday.  I had a Percocet left over from before, so I took that.  The dentist is calling me something in for this afternoon to hopefully get me through tomorrow.  I don't think I'm going to be able to eat, though, even with the drugs.  The Percocet is barely making a dent.  I think I've also gone through a whole tube of Maximum Strength Orajel.  It only works for a few minutes and even air moving over the affected area is enough to make me wince.

I should have gone to the dentist a while back.  I just don't particularly like going.  I have a very good dentist, though and wouldn't go anywhere else.  He's more expensive, but I've already had an experience going to a cheaper dentist and it wasn't good.  I dread going, though.  Most likely I'm going to need a crown or two, and who knows what else.  I think the bill hurts more than getting the work done sometimes. 

Time for more Orajel. *wincing*  I just have to get through the rest of today and all of tomorrow.  Joy.

1:05 PM


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