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Friday, April 29, 2005


I'm not sure exactly where this meme started, but I got it from Beckie's site. These are the questions that Beckie asked me. Further instructions on this meme are at the bottom.

1. Do you like being a married mother?

Funny you should ask that... But then again, I know you don't know much about me and most people my age ARE mothers. I don't have kids by choice. I've been married for 10 years and we both felt we were a little too selfish for kids. We also enjoy extreme sports which I wouldn't be able to do if I had kids. I have some very stringent beliefs in the upbringing of children and frankly we really couldn't afford to raise children the way we both feel they should be raised. I would either have to home school or be able to pay for private school for one. I disagree with parents turning their children over to the government to be raised or taught (indoctrinated). But I won't get into that right now. So I can't really tell you if I like being a married mother since I'm not a mother. As far as being married goes, it has its ups and downs, of course. Ours has been a rocky marriage at times, but just like anything else worthwhile, it takes work and we are still together after 10 years. I hope we will be for many years to come. When he ticks me off, I rant freely on my other journal.

2. Ever wish you lived where it snows?

Oh yes, plenty of times. I love playing in the snow and I don't get to very often. I did live in Virginia for a few years and it snowed just about every year, which I loved. But that was when I was young and didn't have to worry about shoveling it or driving in it. Still, I've never had a white Christmas and someday I want to vacation somewhere where I'm almost guaranteed there will be snow. Being asthmatic, I don't tolerate cold as well as heat. My normal body temperature is around 97 degrees and my blood pressure is normally quite low so I tend to get cold very easily. Of course now that I'm having periomenopause symptoms, I can get hot one minute and cold another. Sometimes I get so hot that I wish I was laying in some snow and making snow angels (which is something I always loved to do).

3. Have you ever done illicit drugs?

Usually I don't comment or answer questions like this, but I did agree to be interviewed after all and I knew that a question like this would come up. Actually I already knew you were going to ask this, but I don't know how I knew. I seem to have some 'psychic' or 'sixth sense' abilities. Anyhow, yes, I have done illicit drugs before. I got into my 'experimentation' stage much later than everyone else. When everyone else was trying stuff out in high school, I wasn't. I had never even tried alcohol in high school. My parents were way too strict and I was never allowed to go anywhere or do anything much. So when I went to college, I went absolutely wild with the new freedom I had. I've tried just about all of them, too. There were a few I knew I didn't want to mess with at all and I didn't. I learned a few things through all of this. One is that most of the drugs aren't as terrible as the government or some people would make them out to be. Alcohol and cigarettes in some ways are much worse and they are legal. Making drugs illegal doesn't stop anyone from doing them. In some cases it makes it even more enticing. I also learned that it isn't always a good thing for parents to be extremely strict on their kids because once they get away from the parents, they seem more likely to go wild and try more things than if the parents hadn't been as strict. I do think nowadays we have more of a problem with parents not being involved with their kids than when I was young. My Mom never worked outside the house, so she was ALWAYS there. Still, I feel education is best when it comes to drugs or anything else. Chances are, most people will try drugs at some point in their lives, so it's best to be educated about it. Just because a drug is socially acceptable (alcohol or tobacco) doesn't mean it's not as bad for you.

4. What's your favorite movie?

Wow. This one is much harder than I thought. It's difficult to pick out just one movie that is my favorite. I guess for me it would have to be "Star Wars" because that movie was just awesome on the big screen and it was such a big deal in my day. I still like to watch it. I didn't care as much for "The Empire Strikes Back" or "Return of the Jedi" except for Yoda. I like Yoda. The first one is still the best one so far.

5. Do you sing in the car?

Yes, I do sing in the car sometimes. I only sing if I'm alone though. I never sing in front of anyone unless I am drunk and I mean, VERY drunk. My friends once got me to sing karaoke. I don't know how they convinced me to get up in front of everyone to do that. I'd be more likely to do it with a group, but I ended up there by myself singing "The Rose". Ugh! I think I sing terrible, so I never, ever sing in front of anyone if I can help it. But sometimes I enjoy singing in the car, but I'm embarrassed sometimes if anyone in traffic sees me singing. Hopefully they just think I'm on a hands free cell phone call.

I've answered Beckie's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1:42 PM


Blogger The Judge said...

Nice work. You're a good sport.


Friday, April 29, 2005 3:59:00 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Awww...thanks. ::blush::

Friday, April 29, 2005 6:31:00 PM  
Blogger jonny said...

I like Yoda: with hazlenuts.

or rhubarb.

or vanilla.

or jam.

or ... feels need to stuff face and wanders off nonchalently

Monday, May 02, 2005 10:16:00 AM  

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