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Location: Florida, United States

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Sunday, May 29, 2005


Another meme that's going around...

1. My first name
2. My middle name
3. Catwoman

1. Catwoman
2. Catgirl
3. Felinevamp

1. Eyes
2. Hair
3. Feet

1. Scar on my leg
2. Nose
3. Belly

1. My biological mother had asthma and that's why I have it.
2. Since I was adopted and have A.D.D. (which is very common for adopted kids), she probably had A.D.D as well.  Or my biological father could have.
3. No clue really since that's all I know of my biological parents.

1. Ants
2. Tragedies involving family or friends
3. Meeting people for the first time

1. Coffee (during the week), Propel fitness water the rest of the time (and during the week as well)
2. My prescription meds
3. Time to myself

1. Jeans (casual Friday)
2. My Pura Vida t-shirt I got in Costa Rica
3. Shoes

1. Monster Magnet
2. Marilyn Manson
3. Mannheim Steamroller  (seem to like the "M" bands)

1. Midnight on a Full Moon-Mannheim Steamroller Fresh Aire III (he JAMS on that toy piano)
2. You Never Called Me by My Name-David Allen Coe
3. Something to Believe In-Poison

1. Fun
2. To be trusted
3. Communication

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order):
1. I've been shot at before
2. I've applied to go to graduate school
3. I've been in a motorcycle accident

1. Eyes
2. Smile
3. Chest and stomach if facing me, butt if facing away

1. Poker
2. Music
3. Blogging, writing, and talking to friends online

1. To get horny more often (no wise cracks from the peanut gallery...)
2. For people I care about to be happy
3. To meet a particular person that reads my blog

1. Computer guru (Information technology, network administrator, etc.)
2. Lawyer
3. Auto mechanic

1. Costa Rica
2. Aruba or Fiji
3. New Mexico or Colorado during the winter so I can ski

1. Amber
2. Annaliese
3. Frank

1. Race something that has a motor on it
2. Surf
3. Make a positive difference in someone's life that I care about

1. I have long hair
2. I worry about what other people think
3. I have on occasion used my eyes and smile to get a man to do as I wish

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger
2. Sharon Stone
3. Dolph Lundgren

8:18 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Time to recap on the charity poker tournament I played in on Tuesday.  It was my first face to face poker game.  I was eliminated somewhere in the middle, so I didn't go out early, but neither did I end up winning any of the good prizes.  I did have a good time and I learned a few things as well.

Some of the tables did not have an actual full time dealer.  Ours was one of those.  So I got to learn how to deal and shuffle decks in rotation to keep the game going.  I figure this will come in handy if we ever get a poker night going with our friends.  Also it was the first time I really had to mess with chips and counting out chips.  Online, all that's done for you.  I think I like handling the chips, though.  Especially raking them towards me when I win a big pot.  ::smiles::

The downsides I saw Tuesday was that they had all the tables covered with regular tableclothes that tend to move and bunch up, which could make it possible for someone to peek at a card.  I didn't like that.  Also they didn't use any cut cards at all.  And the way they raised the blinds was strange to me.  I'll go into that in a moment.

At my table there were 5 females and 3 males.  The two guys on either side of me were the 'serious' players and had their sunglasses with them.  The women were harder to tell.  One girl in particular never really showed any emotion and so she did quite well because she just had that 'clueless' look about her the whole time.  The third guy I don't remember much about because he was the first one out.  They were allowing rebuys but it would count against you in the end.  I had already determined I wasn't going to rebuy and no one else at my table did, either.  Another thing I noticed was that play was very loose.  Everyone just about would call every hand or call any raise.  I tried to raise a good bit and see if I could make anyone fold and only one person folded.  So this wasn't the type of game I could do that.  I also didn't get any good cards the whole night.  The best 2 hands I got were pocket 9's and pocket 6's.  So that should tell you what kind of crap I was getting most of the night.

The blinds started at 50/100 and stayed that way for a while.  Then they jumped to 500/1000.  It was about at this point that I got the pocket 9's and entered the pot with a raise.  The flop showed a Q, but everyone checked around to me, so I raised again. I finally got 1 or 2 to fold but everyone else called.  I forgot what the turn card was, but it wasn't anything that helped me or looked like it would help someone else.  The river was another Q though.  Everyone checked to me and I checked, but the guy to the left of me (who was chip leader most of the night) raised.  His raise wasn't anywhere close to the amount that was in the pot, and then one of the girls who didn't have many chips left went all in.  I called her all in, which wouldn't have taken all of my chips and the guy to my left raised again, but once more it was a small raise.  I called him, so now we had the main pot and a side pot.  This was the biggest pot of the game so far.  I flipped over my nines, so I had 2 pair.  The guy to my left flipped over a pair of 3's and the girl who went all in had nothing.  So I won the whole thing and of course they made the remark that I had been waiting for a hand to play so I could win a big pot.  That was because I was folding a lot of hands in the beginning.

Eventually it was only 4 of us left.  The guy to my left is chip leader again.  I wasn't the shortest stack but I wasn't next to the chip leader either.  The blinds went up from 500/1000 to 5000/10000, which was a HUGE jump.  And I was first on the BB when they jumped.  I got 5/2 off suit and everyone folded up to the SB and he raised it to 30000.  I knew he was probably just stealing my blind but I wasn't going to call with 5/2 off.  So I folded.  5/2, 4/2 those were the types of hands I got all night.  Finally I got pocket 6's.  That's an iffy hand, but there were four of us left, the blinds were huge and I was in danger of getting blinded out.  I don't like to go out by getting blinded out, so I'd rather take my chances and go all in.  So I went all in on a pair of sixes.  One guy calls (the chip leader sitting to my left).  We turn over our cards.  He has 6/9 off suit.  So there goes one of my sixes.  Sure enough, he gets a 9 on the flop and I don't get any more sixes.  So I'm out.  It happens.

Eventually it's down to the 2 guys I knew were 'serious' players, the one on my left and the one on my right.  They decide to balance tables out and 2 little old ladies descend upon our table with their wine glasses.  And their bags full of chips.  The guy on my left announces he's out.  He takes his chips and leaves the table.  The other guy stayed.  These ladies look like they don't know how to play.  They pick up their 2 hole cards and hold them right in front of their nose.  Make no mistake, though, they had BAGS of chips.  I think the guy who left our table knew better than to stick around and play with these women.  They act like it's their little social hour to play a bit of cards, but they are ruthless and they spend a lot of their spare time in the Poker Room at the local Dog Track.  They KNOW how to play despite how they look and how they act.  You could tell they had smoked cigarettes pretty much their entire life when you looked at their faces and they always have a drink in their hand and wear way too much lipstick. 

Oh yeah, and one guy lost his pants.  Literally.  I think he and his girlfriend or wife had some side bet going and she was at another table.  The next thing I hear is that someone lost their pants and I look over and sure enough, he has his khakis off and some woman is proudly holding them up for the crowd to see.  I heard many cries of "put them up on the flagpole" from the crowd.  He had boxers on, of course.  It was quite amusing.  All I have to wonder is what bet he lost to have to do something that embarrassing in front of over 100 people.  And I wonder if SHE had lost if it would have been even more interesting?  Guess I'll never know.

So that was pretty much my first poker tournament.  Quite an interesting evening, I believe...

3:52 PM | 0 comments


OK, you have to try this out. This little math meme will tell me what your favorite number and your age is at the end.

A. First of all, pick your favorite number.

B. Multiply your favorite number by 2.

C. Add 5 to what your result was for B.

D. Multiply your result from C by 50.

E. If you've already had your birthday this year, add 1755 to your result from D. If you have NOT had your birthday yet this year, add 1754 to your result from D.

F. Now subtract the four digit year in which you were born from the result you got from E.

G. Look at the result from F. The last 2 digits are your age. The first part of the number is your favorite number that you originally picked.

Pretty cool, huh?

10:22 AM | 0 comments

Friday, May 20, 2005


In case anyone is interested, I'm playing in a charity poker tournament on May 24th for the American Lung Association. It will be my first 'live' (not online) tournament, so wish me luck.

For more information or to make a donation, here's the link:
2:01 PM | 0 comments


The "road hog" in front of you on Main Street is a farmer's combine.

You leave your jacket on the back of the chair in the cafe, and when you go back the next day, it's still there, on the same chair.

You don't signal turns because everyone knows where you're going, anyway.

No social events can be scheduled when the school gym floor is being varnished.

You call a wrong number and they supply you with the correct one.

Everyone knows all the news before it's published; they just read the hometown paper to see whether the publisher got it right.

There's no place to go that you shouldn't.

A "Night on the Town" takes only 30 minutes.

Running from the cops consists of hiding in the cornfield.

You have to name six surrounding towns to explain to people where you're from.

You have to drive five miles out in the country to smoke a cigarette.

Headline news is who grew the biggest vegetable this year.

There is no point in high-school reunions because everyone knows what everyone else is doing anyway.

Driving cars up and down the main drag is a universal high school experience.

You can name everyone you graduated with.

You know what 4-H is.

ou ever went to parties at a pasture, barn, or in the middle of a dirt road.

You said the 'f' word and your parents knew within the hour.

You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones would bust you and which ones wouldn't - same goes with the game warden.

You ever went cow-tipping or snipe hunting.

School gets canceled for state sporting events.

You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were and if you were old enough, they would still tell your folks.

When you did find someone old enough and brave enough to buy cigarettes, you still had to go out to the country and drive back roads to smoke them.

You were ever in the Homecoming parade.

You have ever gone home for Homecoming.

It was cool to date someone from the neighboring town.

You had senior skip day.

The whole school went to the same party after graduation.

You don't give directions by street names or references (turn by Nelson's house, go two blocks to the Anderson's turn left and it's four houses left of the football field).

The golf course had only 9 holes.

You can't help but date a friend's ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.

Your car stays filthy because of the dirt roads, and you will never own a dark vehicle for this reason.

The town next to you is considered "trashy" or "snooty" but is actually just like your town.

Getting paid minimum wage is considered a great job.

The movie theatre only showed one movie a week and only on weekends and it was something that had already been out for months.

The people in the city dress funny, then you pick up on the trend a few years later.

Everyone in town knew what you drove.

Anyone you want can be found at either the Dairy Queen or the feed store.

You see at least one friend a week driving a tractor through town.

Football coaches suggest that you haul hay for the summer to get stronger.

Directions are given using one of the 3 stop lights as a reference.

Your letter jacket was worn after your 19th birthday.

Someone's family reunion usually meant half the town would be there.

Weekend excitement involves a trip to the grocery store.

Even the ugly people enter beauty contests.

You decide to walk somewhere for exercise and 5 people pull over and ask if you need a ride.

Your teachers call you by your older siblings names.

Your teachers remember when they taught your parents.

You can charge at all the local stores.

The closest McDonald's is 45 miles away.

So is the closest mall.

It is normal to see an old man riding through town on a riding lawn mower.

Everyone who played sports had to play on every type of team, or there wouldn't be enough people to have a team.

Being able to hit a road sign with a beer bottle while driving down the highway is considered a necessary skill.

A cool vehicle was anything new or that had a bad-ass stereo.

You can remember when your town finally got cable.

You thought the 30-year-old guy that still was at all the parties was cool.

The airport in the next town consisted of one Cessna and a large pasture.

You know exactly where to go when the party is at "the lake".

The best places to eat in town all look like the last place you'd want to go inside to eat, and the Gun Club holds their meetings at the same places.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from a small town in Texas.
8:44 AM | 1 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Answers to Chris's interview questions:

1. Are you really as thrill seeking as you claim to be?

Yep. I'm pretty much an adrenaline junkie. I think it's because I don't want to get old and say "I wish I had done such and such...". I always say I'll pretty much try anything once and twice if I like it.

2. Are you a catwoman or a vampire?

A little from column A and a little from column B. Of course it depends on what your definition of a 'catwoman' or a 'vampire' is. I've been told I have a very feline nature. I sort of go my own way, do my own thing, can't make up my mind and am extremely curious about everything. And yes, it gets me in trouble sometimes. I am a vampire because I have energy deficiencies and problems manufacturing enough of my own energy to sustain myself. Therefore I have to obtain it from other people, usually willing donors. But I can obtain energy from strong storms, music and other various things. Long story and totally different subject, really, though...

3. What does it feel like to be free falling to the Earth at maximum velocity?

Like having 125 mph wind hit you, mostly. I never really got much sensation on how fast I was going unless I was doing relative work or falling through a cloud. Oh, and raindrops hurt like hell because you hit the pointy side of the raindrops. ::grin:: It's a whole lot of fun and a huge adrenaline rush.

4. In life, where does the fantasy end, and reality begin?

In your mind, I would imagine. Obviously some fantasies can be made into realities if you wish, and some can't. I'm sure everyone has a somewhat slightly different idea of 'reality'. Is reality just 'what is', or is it 'what can be'? I used to believe that if I couldn't see it, or touch it, or smell it, or hear it or taste it, it wasn't real. Now I try to keep an open mind about all things as much as possible.

5. Are you internet stalking my friends? Why?

You ask me if I'm stalking your friends and then you ask why as though the answer is affirmative. Or is it because you already have a predisposed opinion that I am, so you want to know why? Well, since you asked, no, I don't believe I'm internet stalking anyone. I found you and probably most of your friends through Beckie's blog and I found her through another blog a while back. I'm always looking for new blogs to read and when I read one regularly (such as Beckie's) I tend to be curious about the regular commentators (again, my feline nature), so I usually go check out their blogs eventually. I thought everyone else did that, too.
12:09 PM | 2 comments


Big Brother (aka Dept. of Homeland Security) is watching you.

Don't you feel safe and more secure now?
This is what happens when people choose security over freedom.

Details on what's to come are: HERE
11:26 AM | 0 comments

Monday, May 09, 2005

A Big Mac Tax In Detroit?

Looks like we're well on our way to taxing everything that isn't 'good' for you. I wonder how much longer before eating anything not good for you won't be allowed anywhere out in public? Or perhaps they will just make fast food illegal as they seem to want to do with cigarettes. After all we can't be trusted to make the right decisions without the Government's help in some way.

Maybe it's time for a Detroit Big Mac Party, Boston Tea Party style....

WCCO: A Big Mac Tax In Detroit?
9:12 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, May 08, 2005


I am
a Crayola six color finger paint set (ages 3-6)

For that really spontaneous interior design.

Which house paint are you?

8:09 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, May 05, 2005


1. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

I don't think I've had my greatest achievement yet. At least, I hope not. As far as what I've achieved so far, I suppose me turning my life around when everyone around me thought it would never happen, is probably pretty amazing.

2. What children's book from your childhood stands out most in your mind and why?

"Ballerina Bess". It was the first book I learned to read on my own.

3. If you were to start your own charity organization, what would your cause be?

To take care of all the homeless stray cats and dogs that people don't want or mistreat.

4. A genie gives you three wishes. What are they? (Wishing for more wishes does not count)

1. To be able to grant anyone else's wishes anytime I want. 2. To be financially secure enough that I didn't have to worry about the bills and that I could travel. 3. To take away the hurt I've ever caused anyone as though it had never happened.

5. A, B, or C? (I couldn't think of any more questions *lol*)

A, I guess.

I've answered Midnytechylde's questions.

Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
2:35 PM | 0 comments


1. Do you believe in the Afterlife?

Yes, I believe in some sort of afterlife, I suppose. I believe more along the lines of past lives and reincarnation though than just going to either Heaven or Hell.

2. When was the last time you cried and why?

April 25, 2005. I cried because I felt I had pushed away a friend I care very deeply about and that they were angry at me for something I did, but I didn't know exactly what it was that I had done.

3. What are your thoughts on euthanasia?

You didn't specify whether you mean euthanasia of animals or people. I have very mixed feelings about the issue for either one, I guess. Animals can't really tell you when they are in pain sometimes. I have an older cat who I'm constantly struggling with the decision on whether or not it is time for me to have him put to sleep. Sometimes I think he is in pain, other times he acts like he's fine. Every day I struggle with this because I've never had to make this decision before. At least with people, a lot of times they can let you know what they want. I know if I was terminally ill or a vegetable, I would not want to be kept alive. I think most people I know feel the same way. But whether or not I'd be strong enough to make that decision for someone else even if that's what they wanted, I don't know. I hope I never have to.

4. What celebrity would play you in a movie?

Jaime King. She played Jade in the movie "Bulletproof Monk"

5. When you go to the zoo, which animal do you see first?

The big cats, of course.

I've answered Jessica's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1:19 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


1. What kinds of extreme sports are you into?

Jetskiing (stand up jetskis), wakeboarding, skydiving, motorcycles and trying to learn how to surf. I also hope to get a ride in an aerobatic Pitts sometime soon. I've experienced zero gravity for a short period of time in a DC-3 with 29 other jumpers even though it wasn't really 'legal'. But I've never been upside down in an airplane yet.

Pictures located at:

2. How close do you live to the ocean?

About 5-10 miles if you go straight east, but there is no bridge right where I live so I have to go a little further to cross over from the mainland to get there.

3. What is the weirdest web site you have seen? Is it weirder than

I'd have to say one of these two: or I think the Angry Kittens on the first one is probably weirder for sure than the boohbah site. If you ever saw those Quizno's commercials with the weird looking and singing 'whatever the hell they were, but looked like dead rats', then this is where they came from... On the subservient chicken, you can make him do different things. He'll crawl or kneel for sure on command. Who knows what else you can get him to do?

4. What is your favorite TV show and why?

[Copied from my previous interview, since it was basically the same question]:

I have several but probably none that I just absolutely can't miss anymore. I get bored with TV these days it seems. Let's see... When I was younger my favorite TV show was "Lost in Space" or the old "Superman" series. Then when "Knight Rider" came out, you couldn't get me away from the TV then. Later on, it was "Star Trek", which I came to enjoy after taking a science fiction literature class in college. Then I really enjoyed "Star Trek: The Next Generation". I couldn't get into any of the other ones after that, though. I suppose nowadays I mostly enjoy "Family Guy", "South Park" and "King of the Hill" because I enjoy crude cartoon humor.

5. If you could instantly learn anything (like in The Matrix), what would it be and why?

Hmm, besides Kung Fu? I guess if it wasn't martial arts of some type, then perhaps being the best rock guitar player would be pretty cool.

Or maybe I'd like to learn the Path to Enlightenment, but I think learning that instantly would somewhat take away from the whole purpose of learning it on your own.

I've answered Drobby's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

2:05 PM | 2 comments


1. Do you have a favorite TV show? Why is/was it your favorite?

I have several but probably none that I just absolutely can't miss anymore. I get bored with TV these days it seems. Let's see... When I was younger my favorite TV show was "Lost in Space" or the old "Superman" series. Then when "Knight Rider" came out, you couldn't get me away from the TV then. Later on, it was "Star Trek", which I came to enjoy after taking a science fiction literature class in college. Then I really enjoyed "Star Trek: The Next Generation". I couldn't get into any of the other ones after that, though. I suppose nowadays I mostly enjoy "Family Guy", "South Park" and "King of the Hill" because I enjoy crude cartoon humor.

2. Have you always lived in the South?

No, actually I haven't. Also it depends on what your definition of the South is. I lived in Hampton, Virginia for several years. But before that, I lived in Caracas, Venezuela for a bit. I was a military brat. I've lived in Texas, Mississippi and Georgia as well, but those I would all consider to be the South.

3. Do you have any hobbies that are unusual or just that you really enjoy?

Well, I enjoy all my hobbies, otherwise I wouldn't do them. I'm not sure if any would necessarily be considered unusual or not. Perhaps they would be considered unusual for a woman. I love cars and working on cars. I like motorcycles as well. Lately I have really been into playing poker and I've taken up knitting (which anyone that knows me, would say is unusual for ME). I've also been learning R/C flying. Of course I had to start out on helicopters because that was more difficult. Oh, and I'm teaching myself how to play guitar, but that's not very unusual as I have a musical background anyhow. I am also my friends' computer repair person. I like fixing stuff, I guess. Check back next week and I'll probably have one or two new hobbies I've picked up.

4. Is there a really cool website you've come across that you want to share?

You mean, besides my own? LOL. Well, I like these three websites for the strangeness factor:,, and

5. What do you think of the new law just passed in Florida with the GPS tracking of sex offenders?

I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand I certainly don't like the idea of sex offenders, especially repeat sex offenders being let loose if they are a danger to people. I suppose there is no real way to know if they would repeat the crime or not until it's too late. So I really think when it's a case of having sexually molested a child, that they should probably never be let loose again. I guess that seems even more harsh than tracking them, but I think these are criminals you don't want to take a chance with. If they would clear out all the nonviolent people convicted of victimless crimes in jail, they'd have plenty of room to house the violent criminals which I feel should stay in there.

I'm a Libertarian, so I really believe that only crimes that have a victim involved should be considered as such. The ones that are in jail because they were convicted of drug possession, or gambling, or consensual sex with another person shouldn't be in there. If they didn't hurt anyone else, then it shouldn't be a crime. Yet a lot of these people end up staying in jail longer than the violent criminals. Obviously sexual predators would fall under violent criminals.
The thing that bothers me about GPS tracking is that once it's implemented, it's not likely to go away. And I'm sure Big Brother is going to expand on what 'crimes' would be eligible for GPS tracking devices. Today it's only sex offenders, next week it could be 'deadbeat dads' or anyone on probation. How long before people are convinced that having a GPS tracking chip inserted in newborns is going to help tremendously with Missing Children cases? And then how much longer before the government makes it almost mandatory like they do with numbering your children with Social Security Numbers? Do we really want a generation of people being tracked this way? I have a dim outlook on the future because I feel eventually we will be living in a police state whereby everything we do will be tracked in some way by the Imperial Federal Government just in case we might be a terrorist threat or involved in some sort of criminal activity. It's sort of a 'guilty until proven innocent' approach. Already a lot of stuff people do is tracked in some way and many people are unaware of it.

I say keep the f-ckers in jail and leave the rest of us alone as long as we're not hurting anyone. Maybe if these sexual predators knew that a conviction would bring a life sentence with no chance of parole, they'd think twice about it. I guess now there will be a market (albeit a black market) for those that can hack into the GPS system and make it seem someone is one place when they're not. Just another reason that jail is a safer place for these people...

Ok, off my soapbox.

I've answered Kawamoto's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1:12 PM | 0 comments


This was stolen from Solis, who I think stole it from someone else. Well, you know how these things go around...

1. I can solve Rubik's Cube. (I used to piss people off whenever I'd see one somewhere, whether it was a store, where someone had been playing with it, or at someone's house. I'd pick it up, look at it and within 5 minutes was done. I tried to teach one person how to unsuccessfully and I've only met 2 other people that could solve it)

2. English was my second language.

3. No one in my family can recollect how I learned to swim. Neither can I.

4. I love to amaze people. I thrive on it.

5. I'm not very outgoing at all.

6. I love to be the center of attention. (I know...sort of strange for someone that's not outgoing)

7. I've only broken 2 bones in my body and both were in my late 20's and early 30's. (pretty amazing for some of the stupid stuff I've tried...)

8. I shine shoes and iron very well. And I actually don't mind doing either.

9. I love suits. (I used to have a closetful of them from working at Casual Corner. I got them at half price that way. I later gave them to my best friend when I moved because I didn't fit in them anymore. Then I got where I could have fit in them again and wished I still had them)

10. I'm most comfortable in T-shirts, sweatpants, shorts or jeans and flip flops or no shoes.

11. I love to dress up in formal wear occasionally.

12. I scored almost equally on the math portion and the English portion of the SAT.

13. My hair is naturally curly.

14. I think my eyes are one of my best features.

15. I do not like mayonnaise. (Will not touch it or anything that has touched it. I just don't like it)

16. I didn't have any close friends or really any friends in high school. (I had a best friend in junior high, and then she moved away)

17. I learned to drive on a 1947 Chevrolet. (It was the first car I had and everyone made fun of it. Then I got a brand new Firebird like Knight Rider and everyone thought it was the coolest, at least back then...)

18. I learned to ride a motorcycle on a big bike with a passenger on the back. (It was HIS bike and it was a 1988 Hurricane 1000cc. Now I realize he had more nerve than I did.)

19. I can be very annoying.

20. I have spent a night in jail.

21. I've acted in several plays.

22. I've played the piano in front of thousands of people.

23. I've been to many different musicals, ballet, and opera. (My favorite still has to be going to see Yul Brynner in "The King and I".)

24. I never sing in front of anyone. (Except in the very rare case where I'm inebriated and my friends took me to karaoke)

25. I'm terrible about remembering people's names. I can remember faces, though.

26. I used to play Dungeons and Dragons.

27. My friends say I don't laugh much. (It's actually more that I have an odd sense of humor and what some people find funny, I don't, while something else will make me laugh, and no one else will think it's funny)

28. The simplest things or gestures can make me happy. (A person's time and attention means more to me than expensive gifts)

29. I hated to color when I was a kid. (It was the classic thing where I didn't want to stay in the lines or use the right colors. Now I actually enjoy coloring with kids. It's relaxing)

30. I want everyone to like me. (I know this doesn't happen, but I still want it anyway)

31. I love making someone's day. (This ranks right up there with #4)

9:57 AM | 0 comments

Monday, May 02, 2005


Answers to Kjersti's interview meme questions for me:

1. Why do you keep a blog?

I think Miss M is partially to blame for this. I had tried to keep a journal a couple of other times but just never kept it up. Due to my A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder), I tend to start a lot of things but not follow through or keep them up. When I finally was diagnosed and started treatment, I decided I would try once again to keep a journal, mostly for myself, so that I could see how things were at the end of a year. I started this blog back in January/February of 2004. I wanted to see if there were patterns, if things improved or got worse, things like that. I never really thought anybody would read what I write. I certainly never thought I'd have regular readers or that people would happen upon my site doing searches for different things. I guess it's kind of cool that people read this, as long as my family doesn't happen upon it. After the year, I've kept the journal because I've met some interesting people this way that I never would have met. I think it's therapeutic for me to write at times and I still enjoy meeting more new people this way. Besides, I think I'm probably addicted to blogging now.

2. Besides the obvious, cats, which animal(s) hold your fascination?

Well, of course the big cats hold my fascination, but those are still cats, so I'll go on to other animals. I'm fascinated by spiders, specifically tarantulas. I used to have 7 different kinds. I would study them just for fun. I found out they like to clean themselves like cats do after they eat. They sometimes will get two legs going at the same time scrubbing the underside or the top of their abdomens and cleaning all those hairs. They also don't see very well but depend on the hairs and webbing they lay down on the ground. I am also fascinated by dolphins and fish. I have a saltwater fish tank with a shark and a porcupine puffer. He's so cute! And the fish all have personalities too. I've had some fish for years, even, and I get attached to them so it's sad when they die. I'm also fascinated by catfish. I think catfish are so funny looking they are cute.

3. What memory is your fondest?

Well, I have a few, but one memory that I'm fond of is the last time my brother and sister-in-law came to visit us for a weekend. We really had such a good time together. We grilled out, walked on the beach, went to Inlet Harbor and ate on the river while we listened to Jimmy Buffet and danced and even rode scooters. I never thought my sister in law would get on a scooter. She's always afraid of getting hurt. My brother did get upset that Inlet Harbor closed down at 10 p.m. because of the residential area nearby. I think he was just getting started with the dancing and having fun. One of my other fond memories is my brother and I playing tennis tournaments in Mississippi. He's real good and I've always wanted to be as good as he is. I remember I had to play this one girl who was clearly 2 levels above me, but they didn't have anyone her level to play. She's actually an instructor even. I lost pretty badly. But I never gave up. I gave it my all and strived for every shot. I got in a few good shots of my own and made her work for the win, too. I think that was the first time I felt my brother was proud of me because I stayed aggressive and I played hard even though I knew she was better. Just knowing he was there watching and being supportive meant all the world to me.

4. Is there something you would love to do, but don't dare to do?

Not usually. If it's something I really, really want to do, then I would dare to do it. There is something that I wish I had done, and maybe I just wasn't totally sure about it at the time. I wanted to go in the Peace Corps. I had a friend go and come back and after hearing about his experience, it made me want to go. I also had wanted to go either as an exchange student or to teach English in some other country just so I could visit somewhere else for a while. I had this penpal from Tokyo that I wrote back and forth with. Her birthday was the same day as mine and I wanted so bad to visit Japan to meet her. I've always wanted to visit Japan for some reason, even before I had her as a penpal.

5. Which movie did you last cry to?

I am having trouble remembering. I normally will not watch sad movies because I'm always wanting to watch things that make me happier or put me in a better mood. Let's see...what have I watched recently? OK, I did cry a bit watching "Life or Something Like It". I saw it on an airplane the first time and watched it again not too long ago because I really did like the movie. It doesn't end sad, but it has some sad parts in it. Still, I really did enjoy it. The saddest two movies I think I've ever seen were "Steel Magnolias" and "Message in a Bottle". Consequently, I've only watched either one of those once and that was enough.

I've answered Kjersti's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
3:59 PM | 1 comments