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Thursday, November 10, 2005


I am hoping that this post gets read and passed around enough that the person responsible for this horrible act will be caught.

This is what we know so far.

This morning, Nov. 11, 2005, a co-worker of mine was traveling on Interstate 95 going south from St. Augustine.  While he was coming up to the LPGA Blvd on-ramp in Holly Hill, he notices a vehicle accelerating onto the Interstate.  To get onto I-95 from LPGA, you have to go in an almost complete circle, passing underneath LPGA once you are merging onto the Interstate. 

My coworker was in the next lane over so he was next to the vehicle, not behind it.  He notices the driver has his window down and he watches in horror as the driver drops a small cat or kitten out of the moving vehicle onto the Interstate.  The fate of the cat or kitten is unknown at this time, but I've called the Humane Society so they can go look for the cat.  It's a white and gray cat or kitten.

We don't have a tag number on the vehicle, but it was one of the newer and bigger pickup trucks and it was white.  Something like a Ford F-250 instead of the F-150 or a comparable Dodge or other make.  The man driving was white and was wearing a gray uniform that appeared to be a police uniform.  The uniform had what appeared to be gold lettering on blue or black background.  He had sergeant insignia on the uniform.  The large white truck must be the man's personal vehicle.

What makes it even worse was that the Halifax Humane Society was just down the friggen' road!  They are on LPGA and that's the road he was on prior to getting onto I-95.

Animal cruelty is bad enough, but the fact that this person may be a police officer is just unthinkable.  I certainly don't want a person like this to be in a position of power and I think most people would agree.  If he didn't want the cat or kitten, taking it to the Humane Society that was just down the damn road would have been so much more humane, even if they had to put the animal to sleep than speeding up onto a major highway and throwing the poor animal out the window.  I want to find out who the person is and make sure this is reported to his superiors.  They probably won't do a damn thing to him.  But they ought to know just what type of person they have working under them.  Maybe they'll have to do something if this generates enough bad publicity. 

I will post more information as it becomes available.  I wish I knew if the cat survived or not.  But at this time, I don't.  I hope this man doesn't have other pets because he should never own a pet.  This is just downright cruel.

If anyone does have any other information, please let me know by leaving a comment here.  Feel free to pass this post on to anyone else you know. 

2:47 PM


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