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Monday, November 07, 2005


I know I've been neglecting my blog.  I really haven't felt like writing, so I didn't.  Maybe I'm getting bored with it.  I don't know.  I suppose everyone goes through these stages where they just don't feel like blogging.

Every time I sit down to write, I do other things instead.  I open up a new entry window and it sits there, blank.  I surf other blogs, I read email, I comment occasionally or just look at other stuff on the Internet.  But I don't write and eventually I just close the new entry window and go on.  Maybe it's because I feel I write about the same things over and over and that my life is just as boring to read about as it sometimes is living it.  I dunno.

Once I get started writing, I can babble on incessantly about nothing, just like I'm doing right now.  So I suppose I will give a bit of an update of what I've done the past few days, which isn't much really.  I did write a journal entry since my last one on here, but I wrote it over on LiveJournal as friends only and wasn't even sure I wanted it to be read at all.  But I left it.  I don't feel like posting it here, even as Friends Only.  I wrote it more to vent, anyhow, and I felt better after writing it, so it served its purpose.


Bored at work still.  It does seem that my company may not get bought out so maybe we'll still be around.  I don't know and just like everyone else at work, I take it one day at a time.  This is a slow time of the year anyhow.  It was last year, so this isn't unusual. 

The weather was beautiful and I just didn't want to be stuck indoors.  I rode my motorcycle and as always, it made me feel a bit better.

Friday night, I didn't do anything.  I guess I was tired because I ended up going to bed early.


We had a tee time of 10:45 a.m. which is probably another reason I didn't go out Friday night.  The weather had been so nice that I figured we'd go play some golf.  Hubby's friend that moved to Melbourne was supposed to come up Friday night and go with us Saturday to play, but we got a phone call and he and his friend hooked up with some chicks and were going out somewhere else, so that was pretty much the end of that.  He said he might be driving up later, but I knew when he said 'chicks' and 'party' that it would be a no go.

So we played 18 holes.  I suck at golf, by the way.  But I thought it would be fun to get outside anyhow.  I also lost half my bag of balls in various water hazards along the way.  Like I said, I suck at the game.  If there is a water hazard around and it doesn't even have to be in the path to the green, rest assured my ball will find it.

After a full day on the links, I was pretty bushed.  Naturally that's when we would have company come over.  But after fighting for so long to keep my eyes open while they were here, I ended up going on to bed and leaving hubby to deal with them.  I felt bad about it, though.  I just couldn't stay awake.  I kept thinking I'd catch my second wind, but I never did and I fell out pretty quickly once I was in bed.


Hubby had to work during the day, so I did a bit of cleaning and watched football.  My asthma was acting up for some reason too.  I'm not sure why.  I got out in the sun for a bit and even was getting in the pool, except the water was cold (at least for me).  I got in part of the way but could never get my top half in.  That's the worst part because cold water takes my breath away when I have to get my chest and shoulders in it.  And having asthma doesn't help.  Makes me wish we had a heater for the pool.  They are expensive, though and no telling how much more the electric bill would be if we had one. 

So I had a pretty lazy Sunday.  I'm in the lead in fantasy football, but my opponent has Indianapolis for his defense and they are playing tonight.  So far they have not done worse than 8 points all season and I need them to get 6 points or less for me to stay in the lead.  So I'm hoping New England scores big time.  I really need this win if I want to advance up to possibly make the playoffs.  I think only top 4 go and the top 3 right now are pretty far ahead of everyone else. 

I did manage to choose a few good players off the waiver wire last week.  But this coming week I need to pick up another QB (I dropped Culpepper since he's out for the season) and another kicker.  The kicker I'm not too worried about.  There's a few out there that would do.  On the QB, there isn't a whole lot out there I would want, but I got a couple of possibilities.  As usual, I'll probably be sitting waiting for the commissioner to unlock the free agent pool and I'll be right on it.  There's at least one other guy who does the same thing and the last two weeks I beat everyone out getting the free agents that everyone probably had their eye on.  I guess it's one advantage of sitting around bored at work...

Sunday night another friend dropped by, just in time for dinner.  He has a knack for that.  He hung around for a bit and then left after we watched some Family Guy, American Dad and more Family Guy.  I played a bit of poker online and won about 6 bucks.  I haven't been winning as much online, so I sorta took a break from playing.  I've been playing more live poker and enjoy that more, I think.  Later on, we watched Squidbillies.  That is one funny ass show.


Really bored at work.  Took some time today to clean off my golf clubs and write this entry.  Tonight is my usual poker night, but I'm not sure if I'm going or not.  I get the feeling hubby would rather I stayed home, but just won't come out and say it.  He may be doing some work tonight, but I don't know yet for sure.

They aren't letting me register for classes until next Monday.  That sucks.  I hope I'm able to get the ones I need.  I'm basically just needing to take required core education type courses which of course everyone else has to take and I have a feeling they fill up quick.  They let the returning students register today and probably all this week and first time students and new transfer students register next week.


I have felt very lacking in energy and motivation lately.  I'm not sure if I've been partially depressed or what, but it is a possibility.  Sometimes I feel I'll never get to where I want to be.  Sometimes it feels like a struggle to even maintain where I am.  I feel like no matter what I do, it isn't a good enough effort as far as other people are concerned.  I know I try hard at some things, but if others can't see that I am, then they seem to think I'm not trying at all.  It gets very discouraging and sometimes I just feel completely overwhelmed.  I think that there's no way in hell I'm going to remember to do everything I'm supposed to do and it's not because I don't want to, but because I do feel so overwhelmed at times and I have 20 million thoughts racing through my head which means that something is going to be forgotten.  It really does get frustrating at times.

Well, I've babbled long enough, I think.

4:52 PM


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