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Thursday, September 01, 2005


Tuesday I tried to find out any information I could on the damage in my mom's town.  There was very sparse information and most information I could find was on the harder hit areas along the coast.

Finally I found the site for the local TV news and weather there and they had a section where people were commenting on damage in their area.  I left a comment asking if anyone knew what the extent of the damage was in that area and within minutes I got this response:

ATTN: Concerned Daughter in Florida

* We received this note earlier on our Storm Report and Comment area:

My mother lives in Meridian on 31st street right off of Poplar Springs Rd. Have not heard from her and can't get through on the phone. I'm her daughter in FL. 31st St. is close to the high school there. Anyone know the extent of damage and if power has been out? She relies on a nebulizer for emphysema and has no generator. She's also legally blind and lives alone. If anyone has any info, please let me know. Thanks...

Concerned Daughter in Florida

* I emailed Maureen Lofton, who tells me that the Meridian Police Department is sending someone out to check on your mother. I will let you know if I hear anything else.


So I left another comment with my mom's address for them and this was the next response:


Address Found...

We know and have passed along the address of the woman on 31st Street...

Word from Meridian Police Department is that they are sending a car out to check the address...

Will keep you posted.



I left another comment thanking the local weatherman for his help and then a bit later this was posted on his blog:


Concerned Daughter, Your Mom is OK...

**Got this note from Captain Rick McCary with the Meridian Police Department...

I am happy to report that Meridian Police Dept. unit that went to this address finds the lady well.

The next door neighbor is keeping eye on her and she is fine.

* Certainly GREAT to hear that news!


Here is an example of someone who I felt went above and beyond the call of duty to help.  I've been keeping up with some of his later posts and he's trying to help others just like he helped me.  Here is the link if you want to read as well:  Newscenter 11 Weather Blog


Yesterday I also received a call from the lady who helps my mom out and she confirmed that she was doing okay.  The next door neighbor has a generator and has allowed her to plug in her refrigerator and a fan.  Power was still out in most of the city and the phones were still out as well.  She has phone service, but the phones are out where my mom lives and no one has been able to use cell phones much, either.


I'm just thankful that she's OK and people are looking out for her.  It appears I got out of Mississippi just in time, too.  I could have been stuck there for a few days, but managed to fly out before it became impossible to do so. 


I'm just so glad there are still people that are willing to lend a hand to others.
4:08 PM


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