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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Here are some pictures of my new kitten.  He's a male snow marble Bengal.  Bengals are descended from Asian leopard cats crossed with Egyptian Mau cats mostly.  This one has a lot of Siamese markings as well and his eyes are blue.  They may stay blue or turn green.  Not sure yet.

Hubby wants to name him Mr. Peabody.  I want to see what other people come up with, so instead of trivia this week, I'm playing... NAME THAT KITTY!

I've been looking at different Asian names or maybe something Egyptian, but haven't come up with anything yet. 

I want to know your ideas.  Post a comment if you have a suggestion on a name for this cute little kitten.  I might even give a prize out if I actually decide to use your suggestion.

And if you like Mr. Peabody, then let me know that as well.  I guess if we don't come up with anything else by the weekend, then that will be his name.


11:51 AM


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