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Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, Katrina has passed through Mississippi and the damage reports I've gotten are worse than people originally thought. My brother was the last person to talk to my mom yesterday and she said she had lost power around 1:30 p.m.

Even though she's angry at me and doesn't want to talk to me, I still tried to call her several times today. The phone rings and rings and no answer. The lady that helps her doesn't answer her cell phone either. It goes straight to voice mail. I left a message there. I'm thinking that the phones just aren't working at all. At least that's what I hope it is.

I stumbled across a blog for the local weather in the town she lives in. People were posting comments on damage and there were others commenting to check on people. I left a comment asking if anyone knew the extent of damage around where my mom lives. The weatherman there responded back very quickly wanting her address and saying he would send the local police to check on her. I'm sure she's without power still and if the phone isn't working, she would have no way to call anyone to help her. She's legally blind so she certainly wouldn't be out wandering around and I know she wouldn't have left her dog and cat, either. There's no telling if the roads are even passable because I know there must be trees down everywhere.

So now all I can do is wait and hope for the best. All the terrible things my mom said about the Internet and blogs and it just might be that a blog will help get her the help she needs or save her life. There really are a lot of good people out there willing to help others and it's at times like this that you realize and are thankful of that fact.

Thank you, Mr. Josh_Johnson...
4:55 PM


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