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Saturday, July 30, 2005


I thought for sure I'd get out of this one even though I've seen it going around. These memes are like viruses, though, and sure enough, Michelle gave it to me.

1) What were 3 of the stupidest things you've done in your life:

  1. Not finishing college.
  2. Not learning the importance of managing finances, saving, & having good credit.
  3. Getting addicted to drugs.

2) At the current moment, who has the most influence on your life?

  • A friend who I won't name, but I think this person knows who they are...

3) If you were given a time machine that functioned, and you were allowed to pick up only 5 people to dine with, who would you pick?

  1. My Dad (who passed away in 1986, so that he would know I eventually turned out OK)
  2. Myself when I was still in college (to stress the importance of finishing)
  3. My husband's friend, Rick, who was killed in a plane crash December 2002
  4. Arnold Schwarzenegger (I admire him because he knew everything he wanted to do with his life since he was 15, and he has done all of those things)
  5. I guess my friend from #2

4) If you had three wishes that were not supernatural, what would they be?

  1. That I had never separated from my husband for 5 months.
  2. That my mother wasn't going blind.
  3. I'd give the third wish to my friend and they could choose.

5) Someone is visiting your hometown/place where you live at the moment. Name two things you regret your city not having, and two things people should avoid.

Not having:

  1. Decent paying jobs. (most jobs are service related & don't pay very well. I know people that drive 80 miles one way to Jacksonville for work everyday because of the job situation here)
  2. A Golden Corral restaurant. (I love their bread)


  1. Going to the beachside or Main Street during Bike Week or any other special events, unless that's what you're here for.
  2. Driving through Daytona Beach Shores. The cops will pull you over for going 1 mile over the speed limit. They have nothing better to do.

6) Tag three people:

  1. Lorena
  2. Cy
  3. Orb
10:10 AM


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