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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Well, I went back to the dentist today after being in pain all weekend and yesterday. They adjusted my temporary crown some, and took some more X-rays, but didn't find anything else out of the ordinary. So he sent me home with some more pain killers. If it doesn't quit hurting by next Wednesday, he said they may have to take the nerve out, which I'm guessing means a root canal. But it's better if they do that before they put the permanent crown on than after. At this point, I really don't give a shit. I just want it to stop hurting. They could pull the damn thing out if they wanted and I wouldn't be upset in the least as long as I knew the pain would cease.

I did go out Sunday night and we didn't get home until 6 or so the next morning. I got video footage, but haven't looked through it yet. At one point, I fell with the video camera and busted up my knee a bit. Nothing major and I held the camera up so it wouldn't hit the floor. The floor was wet and the place was extremely packed and everyone was bumping into everyone. Well, I'm sure the video footage will show that to some extent. I was told by several people that I was brave venturing into the crowd with the camera in the first place, but I wanted to get some good video. Of course I had also consumed a decent bit of alcohol to try and numb my tooth pain, which makes me a little braver anyhow.

I'd post more on the weekend and the party, but I am hurting pretty badly and this day has really sucked anyhow and I think I'm just ready for it to be over.

On one interesting bit of news, evidently I took out a professional poker player in the first part of the WPTfan Series of Poker Heads Up No Limit Texas Hold 'Em, which some of the other players seemed awfully grateful for. His name is Matt Matros. I was taken out by one of the players that was so thankful to me in the next round, though. Eh, it happens.

9:59 PM


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