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Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I'm a walking zombie today.  A zombie in pain, unable to eat much of anything, with both sides of my jaw slightly swollen, and on pain killers.  I didn't sleep a wink last night, which is why I'm at work and in the 'drone zone'.  I'm also highly pissed off.  I just don't have the energy for a good 'pissed off' state, but of course I am going to rant about it.

Hubby is pissed at me because he didn't get enough sleep last night.  He always said he wants to get in bed by 11 p.m., which means that I have to be in bed at that time as well, even though I normally don't fall asleep until much later.  Well, we were in bed by 11 last night.  Yet he gets up this morning (and I'm awake because I've been awake all night) and is grumpy and bitchy because he didn't get enough sleep.  So now I guess he wants to be in bed by 10.  Great.  At least he got SOME sleep.  I'm at work today on NO sleep and with friggen toothaches.  It's not just one side; it's both sides.  His attitude better change this evening because I'm not in any state to deal with it, especially with what I'm going to rant about next.

You'd think it's enough that I had my cat die last week and that I'm in a lot of pain.  You'd think people that knew this would be sympathetic, nice, or at least friggen civil.  Not my mother, though.  I called her last night, only because I knew if I didn't, she'd call me and I figured if I called her and told her about my toothache, that she wouldn't insist on talking so long on the phone.  As soon as she answered, I knew she was in a 'mood'.  She tells me that I should have gone to the dentist a while back.  Duh, no kidding.  Then she asks why I didn't go.  Well, I didn't make time for it because I had other things going on, but also one big reason I didn't go every few months like she says I should is because I don't have the money to do that.

So not only is she unsympathetic about me being in pain, but now we've touched on the subject of money.  This is never a good thing with her because it always leads to her talking bad about hubby.  I may be annoyed with him, but I sure as hell don't want someone else talking bad about him.  Now I'm getting the usual "why doesn't HE pay for you to go to the dentist every few months?" and "why doesn't HE pay this bill or that bill?"  I once again try to explain to my mother that both our paychecks go into one account and we pay the bills from that.  We both contribute.  It's not a situation where he pays this bill from his account and I pay for whatever with my account.  We're friggen married.  That's the way I thought married people did things.  We're going to be celebrating our 10 year anniversary Friday as well.  10 years and she still doesn't want to accept it.

I almost friggen lost it last night.  I just broke down in tears.  I don't need this crap.  I almost hung up on her, but I think she softened somewhat when she realized she was going too far.  She did manage to get one more little 'dig' in though.  She suggested I have hubby run to the store to get cinnamon sticks because they are supposed to help with a toothache.  And then she said "He could AT LEAST run to the store and get you some cinnamon."  She said it like he would refuse to do that.  I wasn't going to have him run to the store for that last night.  He would have if I had asked him and I know this for a fact.  But I had taken narcotics and just wanted to pass out (which didn't ever happen).

So what happens today?  She calls me on my cell phone at work.  The first thing she asks me is if hubby ran to the store to get cinnamon last night.  I told her 'no', because I was already in bed ready to fall asleep anyhow.  She starts going into a tirade about how he could have at the very least done that one thing for me, like he never thinks of me or does anything for me.  I tell her that I didn't even ask him.  You would think that would be the end of it.  But it's not.  She automatically assumes that I didn't ask him because he wouldn't have gone to the store anyway.  I'm almost ready to scream at this point.  I think she knew I was at my boiling point because she ended the call, saying she'd call me tonight.  But her voice was still sounding the way it does when she is wanting to get every little 'dig' in on hubby that she can.  She doesn't miss an opportunity.  I'm not sure what's in store tonight if she calls and I actually decide to answer.  I don't know that I'd trust myself not to seriously go off on her if she says one little derogatory thing.  Yet if I don't answer, she'll get worried, keep calling, and then be mad because I didn't answer.  It's a no win situation.

Seriously, does anyone have as much friggen trouble with their Mom and at the most appropriate times as I do? 

Remind me the next time my Mom is sick or sad to bring up touchy subjects, will ya?

1:11 PM


Blogger Michelle said...

Wow. Ok First of all your mom really needs to lay off your Hubby. Just because she's bored and wants to talk bad about someone, she really needs to pick someone eles to talk bad about and stop hurting you.

Sometimes, hanging the phone up with a good slam is more theraputic than what ppl let on. If your scared of hurting your mom, well look at the shit she is pulling on you. Just be sure that you tell her before the hardy hang up.. "This conversation is over, stop bashing my husband."

I don't speak to my mother.. long story.. but my father is equally a pain in the ass.( Ask Beckie) Everything is my fault and I am diffucult to live with (this is his personal tag line in an attempt to make me feel bad.) And he likes to side with my hubby, even though my hubby does stupid evil things like pick up bartenders in Vegas and kidnap my dog and hold him for ransom.(Longer story)

If it makes you feel any better your mother is wrong about the cinnonmon, it's actually Clove Oil that helps in tooth aches and the other thing you might want to concider is getting an anti inflammitory pain pill like tylenol.

You really need to take time for you and take care of your needs, because if you don't, you won't be able to combat with mom.

Also tell hubby to sympathize with you, you mouth is swollen, your in very terrible pain and you need help.

I'm an RDA, I see this alot.. my suggestion is find away that you can go, yes it's going to be bad news, but is it worth sitting in swollen pain and not being able to sleep at night?

I really hope you feel better and I am terribly sorry your cat had passed on.

{{{{HUGS}}}}} You tough and I know you'll get through it.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:07:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

sorry, some of my keys will not work all the time. I don't have a speech impediment.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:09:00 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Michelle, thanks for commenting. I did go to the dentist yesterday. As I figured, I need some crowns. I'm getting 2 done. They put the temporaries on and my mouth is still very sore today. I have some pain killers they gave me, but they are very stingy about wanting to prescribe anything.

They suggested Aleve which doesn't do anything for pain for me. I had prescription strength Aleve (it wasn't called Aleve, but whatever the drug name is) and it never helped any pain I had. They gave it to me once for menstrual pain. Ibuprofen works much better on me, but I have to take 4 over the counter ones. They did prescribe Vicoprofen for me, but only enough for 2 days. It's helping a little, but it still hurts.

They told me it's not supposed to still hurt, so they may need to do a root canal. I guess if the pain won't subside by first of next week, then I'll have to go back in. Meanwhile, I'll be done with my pain medication today, so I'm S.O.L. for tomorrow, Sunday and Monday as far as that goes.

I really hope the pain goes away on its own...

And my Mom is constantly trying to bash my husband. We've gotten into it a few times because of this. She's the same way with my brother about his wife and they've been married 30 years. My Mom just feels that everyone is entitled to hear what she thinks of people. She doesn't know what 'tact' is. I've posted numerous times on my other site about her, and I'm sure I'll rant about her in the future, too. In fact, I probably will some today too.

Friday, July 01, 2005 1:14:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Wow. Well my suggestion would be to get the root canals done with the pain doesn't go away. OR when you do get your 2 new crowns, have them temparly cement them on and then come back in three months for a follow up.That way you will see if the achiness will go away. Sometimes it takes a long while for the nerve to calm down, some times they don't, but I can guareentee that if you wait and then had thos crowns permeantly cemented on, you'd will need a root canal (Newtons Law)and you certainly don't want to drill a hole in a new crown that you just paid alot of moolah for. Crowns hurt, but if you have an infection ( obviously you didn't or otherwise they would have sent you right away to get the root canals done) but if you form a infection, anethstic will be harder to take effect. But if you really want to wade it out, wade it out, the temparies will help and once you get your new crowns, you'll feel alot better in due time, just tell them to numb you before they put the new ones on, the cold air and water will send you through the roof.

As for mom's and dads that have NO tact, don't you just want to say WTF is your problem? My dad is the same way.

Sunday, July 03, 2005 1:40:00 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

Yeah, I don't understand not using tact. It's just common courtesy, I would think.

As for the tooth, it still hurts. Went back today and they adjusted the temporary some and told me to let them know if it still hurts in a week. If so, I guess they'll take the nerve out before I get the permanent crown. Of course it hurts like hell today since they poked at it. They gave me some pain killers to help out, but I'm just tired of being in pain.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 2:58:00 PM  

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