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Sunday, November 20, 2005


Well, it appears I will crush in fantasy football this week, easily.  That will put me at a 5 game winning streak and hopefully cinch me getting into the playoffs.  I have 119 points with Gado still left to play tomorrow night.  My opponent has 51 points and has 2 players left to play on Monday night as well.  I don't see him closing the gap with 2 players, though.  For this being my first year to play fantasy football, I don't seem to be doing too badly.  It's kind of funny because the commissioner of the league I'm in wasn't too keen at first about me being in the league not having played fantasy football before.  He wanted to make sure he got a group of serious people that would do their homework and be competitive in the league.  I only got in because someone else backed out and they needed another person.  To be fair, though, I have gotten some help on the side from a friend, who will remain unnamed.  I figured it best to ask advice from someone not in my league.  The last few weeks I've made more decisions on my own without getting advice and some of my decisions have worked out fairly well.  I don't care whether it's good advice from my friend or my own decision making, as long as I keep winning.

I played 3 mini tournaments of Texas hold 'em tonight.  I came in 2nd on two of them and won a couple of T-shirts and a couple of free drinks.  Originally it was supposed to be a $10 bar tab for 2nd place, but the bar downgraded it since they didn't have many people there.  I thought that was kind of lame of them to do that.  But I didn't really care, because I just like playing and at least winning something.  On the last table I took 4 people out with one hand.  Unbelievable.  Evidently it's my heads up play that needs a bit of practice now.

Well, I got registered for school last week.  I had hoped to take one of the classes online, but by the time I could get registered, all the online classes were taken.  I had to go to the college in person on Tuesday just to be able to get 2 of the classes I needed since they haven't finished evaluating my transcripts yet.  I couldn't register online because it said I needed to take English Comp I, which I've already taken.  I've taken several English courses, so I knew that should transfer, but I just had to go there and show them my unofficial transcript so they would let me register for the 2 classes that needed that as a prerequisite.

So I'm taking Art Appreciation, World Religion and Spanish I.  They are all classes I have to take as part of the required core curriculum.  The Art Appreciation is the Humanities course I need 3 credit hours in and the World Religion is one of the courses I can take to fulfill my History requirement of 3 credit hours.  Then I have to have some foreign language courses, so that's what the Spanish is for.  I had a bit of Spanish in high school, but don't know if that will count towards anything or not.

The way my schedule is, I won't be home Monday through Thursday until after 9 p.m.  I have Spanish on Monday and Wednesday starting at 7.  I can go from work to the college and spend the downtime studying or preparing for class, etc. plus maybe get a bite to eat.  I won't have as much time on Tuesday and Thursday between work and class.  I'm glad I don't have class on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  Still, I'm going to be extremely busy, it appears.  I'm taking 10 hours and working full time. 

This week is going to be a short week at work.  I have Thursday and Friday off.  We don't have any plans for Thanksgiving.  Last year we cooked, but I'd just as soon eat out and not deal with it this year.  It's only the two of us and while sometimes it's nice to have the big dinner (and the leftovers), it's also nice not to have to do the big clean up afterwards.  Of course this just reminds me that I still haven't done any Xmas shopping yet.  I really am broke too.  I've already told most of my family that if they want to get me anything, it would help if it was something that could go toward school.  I'd like to get one of those smaller laptops that will be easier to cart around.  I don't need the biggest, baddest top of the line.  I saw one at Wal-Mart a while back that was about the same price as what we paid for our used laptop.  I might be able to find one of those used even cheaper.  I'm just going to wait and see because I don't know what financial aid I'm getting and I know some of it can be used for buying something like that, plus the school sometimes has deals with some computer companies for getting a discount.  I'm not in dire need at this point, but it would be nice to have something smaller and lighter.  I plan to rewrite (or retype) my notes.  It helps me learn the material better and frankly my handwriting sucks.  Especially if I'm writing stuff in a hurry, like trying to take notes quickly.  If I rewrite or retype the notes the same day, I seem to remember it longer.

Well, I'm going to take my shower, so I think I've babbled long enough.

10:22 PM


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