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Friday, March 02, 2007

Random Bits of Yarn...

OK, so I couldn't think of an applicable title...

This is what's been going on in my life recently: 


  • I got a job.  Started yesterday.  More about that to come.

  • Today's my birthday.  I have to work until 1.  I don't really have a whole lot planned for the weekend and it looks like the weather is going to be crappy.  I may go see my favorite local band, DManufacture, tonight.

  • School is going well.  I got a perfect score on my one mid-term exam and it looks like I have A's in all my courses so far.

  • Someone got ahold of hubby's debit card number and tried to charge around $500 worth of merchandise from 1-800-FLOWERS.  While it would have been a nice thought to get $500 worth of flowers for my birthday, I would have been highly pissed if hubby had really spent that much when we're so broke.  Naturally, this whole ordeal has been a pain in the ass because we had to cancel his card, our bank account is in the negative until they fix it, so we REALLY don't have any money right now.  This may put a huge crimp in any birthday plans for the weekend.  Assholes.

  • Someone at hubby's work liked the coin bag I knitted for him so much that he's paying me to knit one for him.  Other people have indicated interest, so I might have a means to make a bit of money here and there knitting these little bags for people.  Here's a picture of the one I started for hubby's friend.  I'm using a different yarn.  He really likes the tie-dye type look so I went with Lion Brand's Incredible, which is a ribbon type yarn.  It's also not the easiest to work with on size 7 needles.

OK, that's the brief version of what's been going on lately.  That's all I really have time for now...

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