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Monday, May 02, 2005


Answers to Kjersti's interview meme questions for me:

1. Why do you keep a blog?

I think Miss M is partially to blame for this. I had tried to keep a journal a couple of other times but just never kept it up. Due to my A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder), I tend to start a lot of things but not follow through or keep them up. When I finally was diagnosed and started treatment, I decided I would try once again to keep a journal, mostly for myself, so that I could see how things were at the end of a year. I started this blog back in January/February of 2004. I wanted to see if there were patterns, if things improved or got worse, things like that. I never really thought anybody would read what I write. I certainly never thought I'd have regular readers or that people would happen upon my site doing searches for different things. I guess it's kind of cool that people read this, as long as my family doesn't happen upon it. After the year, I've kept the journal because I've met some interesting people this way that I never would have met. I think it's therapeutic for me to write at times and I still enjoy meeting more new people this way. Besides, I think I'm probably addicted to blogging now.

2. Besides the obvious, cats, which animal(s) hold your fascination?

Well, of course the big cats hold my fascination, but those are still cats, so I'll go on to other animals. I'm fascinated by spiders, specifically tarantulas. I used to have 7 different kinds. I would study them just for fun. I found out they like to clean themselves like cats do after they eat. They sometimes will get two legs going at the same time scrubbing the underside or the top of their abdomens and cleaning all those hairs. They also don't see very well but depend on the hairs and webbing they lay down on the ground. I am also fascinated by dolphins and fish. I have a saltwater fish tank with a shark and a porcupine puffer. He's so cute! And the fish all have personalities too. I've had some fish for years, even, and I get attached to them so it's sad when they die. I'm also fascinated by catfish. I think catfish are so funny looking they are cute.

3. What memory is your fondest?

Well, I have a few, but one memory that I'm fond of is the last time my brother and sister-in-law came to visit us for a weekend. We really had such a good time together. We grilled out, walked on the beach, went to Inlet Harbor and ate on the river while we listened to Jimmy Buffet and danced and even rode scooters. I never thought my sister in law would get on a scooter. She's always afraid of getting hurt. My brother did get upset that Inlet Harbor closed down at 10 p.m. because of the residential area nearby. I think he was just getting started with the dancing and having fun. One of my other fond memories is my brother and I playing tennis tournaments in Mississippi. He's real good and I've always wanted to be as good as he is. I remember I had to play this one girl who was clearly 2 levels above me, but they didn't have anyone her level to play. She's actually an instructor even. I lost pretty badly. But I never gave up. I gave it my all and strived for every shot. I got in a few good shots of my own and made her work for the win, too. I think that was the first time I felt my brother was proud of me because I stayed aggressive and I played hard even though I knew she was better. Just knowing he was there watching and being supportive meant all the world to me.

4. Is there something you would love to do, but don't dare to do?

Not usually. If it's something I really, really want to do, then I would dare to do it. There is something that I wish I had done, and maybe I just wasn't totally sure about it at the time. I wanted to go in the Peace Corps. I had a friend go and come back and after hearing about his experience, it made me want to go. I also had wanted to go either as an exchange student or to teach English in some other country just so I could visit somewhere else for a while. I had this penpal from Tokyo that I wrote back and forth with. Her birthday was the same day as mine and I wanted so bad to visit Japan to meet her. I've always wanted to visit Japan for some reason, even before I had her as a penpal.

5. Which movie did you last cry to?

I am having trouble remembering. I normally will not watch sad movies because I'm always wanting to watch things that make me happier or put me in a better mood. Let's see...what have I watched recently? OK, I did cry a bit watching "Life or Something Like It". I saw it on an airplane the first time and watched it again not too long ago because I really did like the movie. It doesn't end sad, but it has some sad parts in it. Still, I really did enjoy it. The saddest two movies I think I've ever seen were "Steel Magnolias" and "Message in a Bottle". Consequently, I've only watched either one of those once and that was enough.

I've answered Kjersti's questions. Read below if you want me to interview you.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
3:59 PM


Blogger Unknown said...

I have your questions up on my blog.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005 11:28:00 AM  

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