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Wednesday, May 04, 2005


This was stolen from Solis, who I think stole it from someone else. Well, you know how these things go around...

1. I can solve Rubik's Cube. (I used to piss people off whenever I'd see one somewhere, whether it was a store, where someone had been playing with it, or at someone's house. I'd pick it up, look at it and within 5 minutes was done. I tried to teach one person how to unsuccessfully and I've only met 2 other people that could solve it)

2. English was my second language.

3. No one in my family can recollect how I learned to swim. Neither can I.

4. I love to amaze people. I thrive on it.

5. I'm not very outgoing at all.

6. I love to be the center of attention. (I know...sort of strange for someone that's not outgoing)

7. I've only broken 2 bones in my body and both were in my late 20's and early 30's. (pretty amazing for some of the stupid stuff I've tried...)

8. I shine shoes and iron very well. And I actually don't mind doing either.

9. I love suits. (I used to have a closetful of them from working at Casual Corner. I got them at half price that way. I later gave them to my best friend when I moved because I didn't fit in them anymore. Then I got where I could have fit in them again and wished I still had them)

10. I'm most comfortable in T-shirts, sweatpants, shorts or jeans and flip flops or no shoes.

11. I love to dress up in formal wear occasionally.

12. I scored almost equally on the math portion and the English portion of the SAT.

13. My hair is naturally curly.

14. I think my eyes are one of my best features.

15. I do not like mayonnaise. (Will not touch it or anything that has touched it. I just don't like it)

16. I didn't have any close friends or really any friends in high school. (I had a best friend in junior high, and then she moved away)

17. I learned to drive on a 1947 Chevrolet. (It was the first car I had and everyone made fun of it. Then I got a brand new Firebird like Knight Rider and everyone thought it was the coolest, at least back then...)

18. I learned to ride a motorcycle on a big bike with a passenger on the back. (It was HIS bike and it was a 1988 Hurricane 1000cc. Now I realize he had more nerve than I did.)

19. I can be very annoying.

20. I have spent a night in jail.

21. I've acted in several plays.

22. I've played the piano in front of thousands of people.

23. I've been to many different musicals, ballet, and opera. (My favorite still has to be going to see Yul Brynner in "The King and I".)

24. I never sing in front of anyone. (Except in the very rare case where I'm inebriated and my friends took me to karaoke)

25. I'm terrible about remembering people's names. I can remember faces, though.

26. I used to play Dungeons and Dragons.

27. My friends say I don't laugh much. (It's actually more that I have an odd sense of humor and what some people find funny, I don't, while something else will make me laugh, and no one else will think it's funny)

28. The simplest things or gestures can make me happy. (A person's time and attention means more to me than expensive gifts)

29. I hated to color when I was a kid. (It was the classic thing where I didn't want to stay in the lines or use the right colors. Now I actually enjoy coloring with kids. It's relaxing)

30. I want everyone to like me. (I know this doesn't happen, but I still want it anyway)

31. I love making someone's day. (This ranks right up there with #4)

9:57 AM


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