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Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Answers to Chris's interview questions:

1. Are you really as thrill seeking as you claim to be?

Yep. I'm pretty much an adrenaline junkie. I think it's because I don't want to get old and say "I wish I had done such and such...". I always say I'll pretty much try anything once and twice if I like it.

2. Are you a catwoman or a vampire?

A little from column A and a little from column B. Of course it depends on what your definition of a 'catwoman' or a 'vampire' is. I've been told I have a very feline nature. I sort of go my own way, do my own thing, can't make up my mind and am extremely curious about everything. And yes, it gets me in trouble sometimes. I am a vampire because I have energy deficiencies and problems manufacturing enough of my own energy to sustain myself. Therefore I have to obtain it from other people, usually willing donors. But I can obtain energy from strong storms, music and other various things. Long story and totally different subject, really, though...

3. What does it feel like to be free falling to the Earth at maximum velocity?

Like having 125 mph wind hit you, mostly. I never really got much sensation on how fast I was going unless I was doing relative work or falling through a cloud. Oh, and raindrops hurt like hell because you hit the pointy side of the raindrops. ::grin:: It's a whole lot of fun and a huge adrenaline rush.

4. In life, where does the fantasy end, and reality begin?

In your mind, I would imagine. Obviously some fantasies can be made into realities if you wish, and some can't. I'm sure everyone has a somewhat slightly different idea of 'reality'. Is reality just 'what is', or is it 'what can be'? I used to believe that if I couldn't see it, or touch it, or smell it, or hear it or taste it, it wasn't real. Now I try to keep an open mind about all things as much as possible.

5. Are you internet stalking my friends? Why?

You ask me if I'm stalking your friends and then you ask why as though the answer is affirmative. Or is it because you already have a predisposed opinion that I am, so you want to know why? Well, since you asked, no, I don't believe I'm internet stalking anyone. I found you and probably most of your friends through Beckie's blog and I found her through another blog a while back. I'm always looking for new blogs to read and when I read one regularly (such as Beckie's) I tend to be curious about the regular commentators (again, my feline nature), so I usually go check out their blogs eventually. I thought everyone else did that, too.
12:09 PM


Blogger Chris said...

Awesome answers. The pointy side of a raindrop...particularily creative, regardless of how true. As for not including "if so" in "Why?", it's entirely possible that you would want to explain why you're NOT stalking us too! My friends are very fun, and so I'm not entirely shocked that you dig them. That's all. Thanks for answering.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 5:41:00 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

The pointy side of raindrops is sort of a joke among skydivers. I really don't think it matters because rain hitting you at 125 mph hurts no matter what.

And yes, I sort of figured you meant 'why' or 'why not'. It just seemed that you were expecting an affirmative answer when you didn't ask 'why' or 'why not'. Actually, I'm just giving you a hard time because...why the hell not? ::mischievous grin::

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:05:00 PM  

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